domingo, 29 de março de 2015

Invest in precious Gems Stones.

Invest in precious Gems Stones.

It is easy, Safe, Profitable and Worldwide trade/valued.

Gemstones as an Investment

For centuries, before coins were invented, people were using gemstones as a valued trade good, just as money is used today.  They were considered a valuable asset that could be easily concealed and transported to the market place to be traded for food, clothing, livestock  and medicinal supplies. 

Gemstones can be considered a high standard asset, much like gold or silver. The advantages gemstones over gold and silver as an investment are:
1.     the minimal size and transport of the goods,
2.     its high aggregated value per karat
3.     worldwide tradability
4.     require much less space when storing.
As any other risk investment gemstone is daily updated, it is considered a long term investment  and should be followed up. If someone told you that they have a "get rich quick" anything, please this is not the case of gemstones.
Due to the rarity compound of Gemstones’s nature, it will always have an intrinsic hard value to them. Unlike other economic capitals like paper money, for instance, which is only worth what the governments / economists tells it’s worth. In other words, it doesn’t have any worth or value of its own, its only virtual assets!  Gemstones, on the other hand, always have a value itself! As scarce as rare is a gem, highest is its value and specific buyers. As fine jewelry for instance!
The world’s supply of natural high quality gemstones is limited and scarce. No more can be made, as it takes millions of years to create a gemstone naturally. Many of the large producing mines of the world are already mined out, or nearly so. Very few mines were discovered in the last 50 years, even these, are limited supplies and will eventually be depleted. As the world’s population increases, so will the demand. Once, it was only the first class and luxurious people that owned gemstones, now everyone wishes to own (and can afford) natural precious gemstones. As we move into the future, gemstones’ value will have increased demand and highly value. The time to start investing in gemstones is now!

How to invest with ! helps you to acquire/invest the all kind of precious gemstones available in the market place.
The first step is to settle an investment budget. To do so, please follow the next instructions:
Please, click in this link ( to make your online investment budget. In this step you will have a pretty close management of what you are acquiring/investing. 
Once into the Gemval web site, please proceed filling the next fields:
1 - Select the kind of stone / gemstone of your choice; Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
2 – In the field Weight, please include the desired weight average in cts (carats) Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
3 - Select one of the nearest desired color of the gemstone selected in step 1; Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
4 - Select the desired clarity / purity of the stone; Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
5 - Select the desired quality of the cut of the stone; Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
6 - Select the Desired format of the stone; Click Submit button at the end of the choice.
7 - Into the screen the GemVal will emulate the characteristics and the price of the your stone’s choice.
8 – Please, make a copy / photo of this appraisal result, sending us a copy to the email . This document is your Order to invest in
After receiving your Order, into 24 hours will send you a Proforma Certificate of the chosen gem with your assessed value of the investment.
The Investor shall immediate deposit in our bank account the value presented in the Proforma . If the credit is not confirmed in 48 hours, the full operation is automated cancelled.
Once the Credit is confirmed, it will be generated an “Entry Certificate” registered in the Trade Gems Federation as a Bond Commitment of Investment. This is the proof of truth and guarantee of property of the chosen gem.
The minimum investment time is 30 days. After which time, anytime the Investor can check the variation of the value of the Investor’s choice gem and, eventually, request redemption of their investment.
Proceeding to Redemption
1.     Send an email to with the subject REDEMPTION
2.     Specify your “Entry Certificate” number
3.     Gems’ will immediately trade your chosen GemStone, in order to carry out your sale option.
4.     The investor will have the credit of the sale in Day + 5 working days after the requested redemption.
Costs, Guarantee and Security of the Investment
-                 Gems’ always have the concrete physical chosen Gems Stone, kept in a Secure Safe.
-                 If you desire, you may have/posses in your hands, the real chosen ordered Gem.
-                 Since the moment of your Investment option, You can follow up the valuation of your investment through the best worldwide online independent gems market –
-                 Gems’ charges 4% of the sales of the redemption as administrative and operational costs. This charge will be deduced of the credit at the moment of the redemption.
-                 The Entry Certificate is immediately cancelled after the credit of the redemption.

Do yourself your own online appraisal:
For further or additional information, please contact us trough the email .  We kindly appreciate your contact.

terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

Chakra Gems

Chakra Gems
 For thousands of years, many cultures have believed that human activity is governed by seven energy centers in the body. These seven centers are called the chakras and stimulated by associated colors. Crystal mystics and New Age enthusiasts have assigned certain gemstones to these chakras based primarily on color. I have seen perhaps a hundred lists of gemstones associated with chakras. No two are alike. Following is a list of locations and colors of the chakras. I have listed some appropriate gemstones as well.
This list is by no means the final word.
Associated Gemstone: Amethystamethyst
Location: Top of Head
Responsible for imagination, creativity and a sense of order.
INDIGO    Chakra Name:
Associated Gemstone: Turquoise turquoise
Location: Between eye brows
Responsible for intuition, sensitivity, hunches.
Associated Gemstone: Lapis lapis
Location: Behind throat
Responsible for communication, memory and idealism.
GREEN    Chakra Name: ANAHATA
Associated Gemstone: Malachite malachite
Location: At the heart
Responsible security, love, abundance and finance.
Associated Gemstone: Citrine citrine
Location: Solar Plexis
Responsible for intelligence, thinking, clarity, logic and organization.
Associated Gemstone: Amber amber
Location: Below navel
Responsible for ambition, exploration and gregariousness.
RED    Chakra Name: MULADHARA
Associated Gemstone: Garnet rhodolite
Location: Base of spine
Responsible for sensuality, action, vitality and touch.

Birth Stones

Birth Stones
    Early civilizations in both India and Babylon as far back as 3000 BC attributed rare and beautiful gemstones with magical properties. The early gem buyers sought advice from astrologers first, in hopes that they could influence the forces that were identified with the planets in their favor. There was no formal classification of gemstones, a gem was assigned each sign of the zodiac based on a color system. Color was thought to unleash the power attributed to the stone.The Indian and Babylonian systems both linked the ruling planets with their corresponding gems. Giving rise to the zodiac type system that we use today.
 Josephus in his writings, proclaimed a connection between the twelve stones in the High Priest's breastplate, the twelve months of the year and the twelve signs of the zodiac.  It was not until the 18th century in Poland, that there is any documentation of people actually wearing birth stones or zodiac stones.  People wore or carried gem stones at first, for their therapeutic and medicinal properties.  These properties were then associated with characteristics of the zodiac, making them talismans for those born in the same months.
    Birth stones, as we know them today, is a list of stones that was first assembled in 1912 by the American National Association of Jewelers. This list has historical merit, but substitutions have been made, based on relative availability.
Stones in the Breastplate:
Breastplate PlacementZodiac SignStone
Stone #IAriesCarnelian
Stone #IITaurusPeridot
Stone #IIIGeminiEmerald
Stone #IVCancerRuby
Stone #VLeoLapis-lazuli
Stone #VIVirgoOnyx
Stone #VIILibraSapphire
Stone #VIIIScorpioAgate
Stone #IXSagittariusAmethyst
Stone #XCapricornTopaz
Stone #XIAquariusBeryl
Stone #XIIPiscesJasper
Citrine and Topaz
Blue Zircon
Chakra Gems


sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014


  • Color: colorless, yellow, brown, blue bluish
  • Hardness: 6.5 - 7
  • Refractive index: 1.673 - 1.693
  • Density: 3.26 - 3.36
  • Chemical composition: Ca2(Fe,Mn)Al2BSi4O15(OH)
  • Crystal structure: Triclinic
  • Origins: USA, Mexico, Tanzania, Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan.
Axinite is a collector's stone that is rarely used in jewelry.

To invest in Axinite:


  • Color: blue to greenish blue 
  • Hardness: 7.5
  • Refractive index: 1.57 - 1.59
  • Density: 2.67 - 2.75
  • Chemical composition: Be3Al2(SiO3)6
  • Crystal structure: hexagonal
  • Origins: Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, China.
Aquamarine is a light blue or light greenish-blue variety of beryl, with darker stones being more expensive. Heat enhancement is often applied to enhance the blue color of aquamarines, but only clean pieces can be heated.

To invest in Aquamarine:


  • Color: green, greenish yellow, blue, violet
  • Hardness: 5
  • Refractive index: 1.60 - 1.67
  • Density: 3.17 - 3.35
  • Chemical composition: Phosphate composition
  • Crystal structure: hexagonal
  • Lustre: vitreous 
  • Origins: Mexico, USA, Canada, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, Sri Lanka, India, Burma.
Due to its insufficient hardness the stone is rarely used in jewelry production. However collectors do appreciate intensely colored blue and violet stones. Apatites are very heat sensitive.

To invest in Apatite: 


  • Color: Red, Orangey Red, Orange, Yellow, color shift to Green
  • Hardness: 6 - 6.5
  • Refractive index: 1.55 - 1.56
  • Density: 2.66 - 2.70
  • Chemical composition: (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8
  • Crystal structure: triclinic 
  • Origins: Congo, Tibet.
Andesine belongs to the group - plagioclase feldspar. The red color is due to the presence of copper and is rare in gem quality stones. The best specimens are from Congo, with cherry-red and orangey-red crystals the most valuable.

To invest in Andesine :